
Welcome to Peter Russell's Bot — an AI that responds to you, in your language, based on the collected writings, lectures, and teachings of Peter Russell.

*** If you have already registered, go directly to PeterBot ***

Otherwise, to begin using it:

To ask a question, simply enter it in this field at the bottom of the page and click the arrow:
ask question

You can ask follow-up questions and its answers will take into account the conversation so far.

Beneath the answer you will see links to the sources that the bot used for the answer.

If you want to change topic, you will get more focussed results by starting a New Chat.

Preferences (Sidebar on desktop, Two bars top left on mobile)
Here you can tell the bot about your interests and how you would like it to respond.
Previous chats are listed here. You can resume chats too.

With special thanks to the volunteers at ServiceSpace for making this possible.

Happy chatting!

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Contact | Index | 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People | PeterBot

Earth and Environment | Science and Consciousness | Spiritual Awakening
Letting Go of Nothing | Waking Up In Time | From Science to God | Forgiving Humanity

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