Peter Russell - 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People

I was dumbfounded to find myself listed number 21 amongst the new Watkins list of the "100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People". After my ego had gotten over the unexpected praise (for which I should have been immediately demoted 10 positions) , I burst out laughing. Indeed I spent the whole morning chuckling to myself whenever I thought about it. Apart from the irony of ranking spirituality, there were many on the list who I would put way above me in any spiritual listing - both in terms of spiritual awakening and in terms influence. And following the list's publication, I've been getting emails from friends as surprised as I was. A moment of undeserved fame.

For what its worth, here's their list:

1. Dalai Lama
2. Eckhart Tolle
3. Thich Nhat Hanh
4. Deepak Chopra
5. Paulo Coelho
6. Elizabeth Gilbert
7. Iyanla Vanzant
8. Ken Wilber
9. James Redfield
10. Rhonda Byrne
11. Alice Walker
12. Nelson Mandela
13. Dr Wayne W Dyer
14. Doreen Virtue
15. Michio Kaku
16. Oprah Winfrey
17. Alejandro Jodorowsky
18. Mantak Chia
19. Desmond Tutu
20. Alex Grey
21. Peter Russell
22. Byron Katie
23. Ram Dass
24. Esther Hicks
25. Bernie Siegel
26. Richard Bach
27. Brian Weiss
28. Andrew Cohen
29. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
30. Robin Sharma
31. Steve Taylor
32. Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
33. Andrew Harvey

34. Marianne Williamson
35. Lisa Williams
36. Francis Chan
37. Don Miguel Ruiz
38. Masaru Emoto
39. Gregg Braden
40. Andrew Weil
41. Erich von Daniken
42. Adyashanti
43. Krishna Das
44. Sonia Choquette
45. Joseph Ratzinger
46. Louise Hay
47. Amma
48. Vladimir Megre
49. Ervin Laszlo
50. Elaine Pagels
51. Jeff Foster
52. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
53. Neale Donald Walsch
54. Drunvalo Melchizedek
55. Pema Chödrön
56. Diana Cooper
57. Bruce Lipton
58. Dan Millman
59. Karen Armstrong
60. Graham Hancock
61. David R. Hawkins
62. Jack Canfield
63. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
64. Sogyal Rinpoche
65. Swami Ramdev
66. Philip Berg

67. Caroline Myss
68. Michael Newton
69. Daisaku Ikeda
70. Vadim Zeland
71. John Bradshaw
72. Richard Bandler
73. Jean Houston
74. Starhawk
75. Daniel J. Siegel
76. James Lovelock
77. Judy Hall
78. Gary Snyder
79. Patrick Holford
80. Oberto Airaudi
81. Dr Azmayesh
82. Mother Meera
83. Rabbi Michael Lerner
84. Lynne McTaggart
85. Michael Beckwith
86. Satya Narayan Goenka
87. Satish Kumar
88. Paramahamsa Nithyananda
89. Rowan Williams
90. Prem Rawat
91. Mooji
92. Stanislav Grof
93. Grant Morrison
94. Jon Kabat-Zinn
95. Dolores Cannon
96. Gangaji
97. Shakti Gawain
98. Claudio Naranjo
99. Mastin Kipp
100. Marion Woodman

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