Twelve Steps in Four

For a long time I've been impressed by the widom and power of the "12 steps" of Alcoholics Anonymous and other addiction programs, and have thought that they could equally well be applied to the fundamental problem afflicting us all - the ego-mind. I have also felt that the key steps of the twelve step program were the first ones.

So here's my own shortened version of the steps applied to the ego-mind. I'm not suggesting you should agree with me on them. But if they help your own thinking in some way, that's enough.

  • We admitted that we were controlled by the dictates of the ego-mind, that this led to increased suffering in ourselves and others, and that we could not, on our own, release ourselves from its control.
  • Recognized that there was a Higher Power that could restore us to sanity.
  • Made a decision to turn our will over to the care of this Higher Power.
  • Sought to improve our conscious contact with this Higher Power, allowing It to guide our thinking and decisions.

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