Wisdom of the Whales

with Peter Russell and Joan Ocean

Sept 5-11, 2009
French Polynesia — Tahiti

Wisdom of the Dolphin
Kona, Hawaii,
March 8-13, 2009

Come swim with humpback whales and their new calves in the pristine clear waters of Polynesia.

Each year, from July to October, South Pacific humpback whales come to this spot to give birth. September is the best month to be with them, when the new calves are old enough to venture close.

Each day, we will take boats out to the whales. Following their invitations, we slip gently into the water, move away from the boat and wait for them to join us. It is always their choice.

We will be swimming close to the gentle whales, floating quietly among them and their young, looking deeply into their eyes, receiving their wisdom. It is a profound experience available to the few people who have a spiritual connection to the dolphins and whales.

It is the opportunity of a lifetime in a very special place with beautiful sandy beaches and coral caves. Everyone will have a magnificent time.

Limited Space: Due to limited space on the boats, only 10 people can attend this seminar, and it is likely to fill quickly. So if you plan to come, book soon to avoid disappointment.

Accommodation: We will be a remote island about 300 miles from Tahiti, staying atl a local Lodge in spacious Tahitian bungalows. All rooms are double occupancy, there are no single rooms.

Cost: US $2995 per person for 7 days (6 nights). (The Polynesian franc is high against the dollar, raising costs in this country.)


  • Hotel night in Papeete, Tahiti on Saturday Sept 5.
  • 5 nights accommodation at the lodge
  • Continental breakfasts and dinners at the Lodge
  • 4 boat trips to be with the humpback whales
  • Transportation to the lodge and around the island
  • Island tour of the Coral Caves, and remote beaches
  • Classes, meditations, and discussions with seminar leaders

Not Included:

  • Airfare to and from Tahiti.
  • Transportation upon arrival in Tahiti. Taxis are available.
  • Inter-Island airfare between Tahiti and the island
  • Lunches, other snacks and alcoholic beverages at the Lodge
  • Additional accommodations before and after the seminar.
  • Any extra boat trips or activities on the island.

Travel: You will need to arrive in Tahiti by Sept 5.
There is only one flight to get our group from Papeete to the island where will be staying. We have a travel agent who will book flights for people, to be sure we are all on the same flight. Details will be sent to you as soon as you pay your deposit so that you can make your reservations for this flight.

Reservations: This seminar requires a deposit of $500 and a signed liability waiver to reserve your space. (Our payments to foreign countries are paid well in advance of the trips and so these deposits are non-refundable. However, in the case of cancellation, if you find someone to fill your space, then only $100 of the deposit is non-refundable.)
To make a reservation please contact Joan Ocean:

Payment Schedule:
An initial of $500 deposit is required to reserve your space.
Second payment of $1495 is due on May 1st, 2009
Third and final payment of $1000 is due on July 5th, 2009

You may pay by credit card (MC & VISA). Or by check or money orders in US funds to:
Dolphin Connection LLC, P.O. Box 102, Captain Cook, Hawaii 96704, USA
Telephone/Fax: (808) 323-8000 or Toll Free in US: (888) 755-7750

Website for additional information: www.joanocean.com

Trip cancellation insurance is strongly recommended in case of any personal emergency situations or unexpected circumstances.

Here's some video I took from the 2009 swim:

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