How to
Without Even Trying
An Online Course
For both Beginners
and Experienced Meditators
Have you:
- Tried to meditate but found it hard to settle down?
- Wanted to learn meditation but put it off because you've heard it's difficult?
- Already enjoyed meditation but wish you could go deeper?
If you answered yes to any of these, then this online meditation course can help.
For many of you, it might sound strange to hear that meditation should be effortless. If anything, you probably feel you’re not trying hard enough. But the opposite is actually true. Meditation works best when there’s no trying or effort. It’s about allowing the mind to relax.
While trying harder may help in many day-to-day tasks, when it comes to meditation, the harder we try, the more tense our minds become. And this defeats the entire purpose of meditation. Once you stop all effort and striving, you’ll find the mind settles down naturally into a state of quiet.
That’s where How To Meditate Without Even Trying comes in. This audio course will guide you through ways to manage disruptive thoughts and distractions. You’ll also discover how to release tension and let the mind fully relax. Getting the benefits of meditation doesn’t require great mental discipline or years of practice. It’s ideal for anyone. Whether you’re just getting started or have already tried it but want to go deeper, this course will show you how.
In this 5-week audio program you’ll learn:
- Simple methods to settle your mind into a natural state of ease and contentment. These practices will help you stay present long after the lesson is over.
- Techniques that allow you to let go of physical and mental tension. This strain-relieving part of the program will also help you reduce stress outside of meditation.
- Advanced practices that allow your inner wisdom to guide you in meditation, and help you let go all resistance. These skills will help you reach deep states of meditation in only a few weeks.
The course will take you from basic practices of being present to some of the advanced techniques that Peter has been teaching his students in recent years. This is the first time these new techniques are being made more widely available. They are very simple to apply, but profoundly effective.
Course Outline:
Lesson 2: Letting Go - Releasing Tension
Lesson 3: The Natural Mind - Returning to Ease
Lesson 4: Guidance from Within – The Art of Inner Inquiry
Lesson 5: NonDual Mindfullness - The Path of No Resistance
When you sign up for the course, you will receive the lessons in five installments. You’ll receive the first lesson immediately upon enrolling. Subsequent lessons will be sent to you once a week. This gives you the opportunity to become familiar with each technique and to practice it before moving on to more advanced skills.
After completing the course you will have access to archives of all the lessons.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why is the course for both beginners and advanced meditators?
The first lesson teaches a basic technique of becoming more aware of the present moment, that complete beginners will find easy to practice. Subsequent lessons build on this, introducing more advanced skills developed by Peter in recent years, which encourage complete effortlessness and letting go. He has been teaching these skills to experienced meditators, who have been delighted with the impact they have had on their practice.
How much time will it take?
Each lesson consists of a short introduction of between 5 and 10 minutes, followed by a guided meditation of about 20 minutes. To get maximum value from the course you are encouraged to practice the meditation each day. New lessons will be sent to you once a week.
Can I listen the lessons on my phone or tablet?
You can listen to the lessons so long as your device is online. To listen offline, you will need first to download them to your computer or phone. There is a link on each lesson for that.
I enrolled but have not received any lessons.
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About Peter Russell
Peter Russell is an author and public speaker, who is recognized as one of the leading thinkers on consciousness and contemporary spirituality. His books include The Awakening Earth, Waking Up in Time, and From Science to God, and his video The Global Brain won international acclaim.
Peter believes that the critical challenge today is to free human thinking from the limited beliefs and attitudes that lie behind so many of our problems—personal, social, and global. His mission is to distill the essential wisdom on human consciousness found in the world’s various spiritual traditions, and to disseminate their teachings on self-liberation in contemporary and compelling ways. To this end he has been refining his practice of meditation and teaching it to others for more than forty years.
His approach emphasizes complete effortlessness in meditation—a letting go of any expectation or control. The beauty of this approach is that nothing needs to be changed or eliminated. It is simply surrendering to the fullness of the present moment.
Praise for the Course:
This course was absolutely amazing! Thank you, thank you.
~ R.H.
Your approach to meditation—and your ability to induct the student into the meditative experience—is a profound and rare gift
What amazed me most was how simple and clear are the techniques that Peter teaches. I would recommend it to anyone.
~ A.C.
Your program is fantastic for beginners.
~ C.Z.
Thank you for creating this excellent course! It has been the best guidance that I have ever come across.
You have helped clarify more esoteric concepts such as 'letting go' and 'non-duality' in a clear and accessible way.
~ P.I.
With your help, I am able to go very deep into meditation and enjoy it very much.
~ Y.U.
I will definitely recommend this course to others!
~ D.C.
This is the best teaching I have come across for addressing the inevitable first hurdle of any meditation which is for the mind to become less active.
~ M.R.
…able to reach a level of calmness during the meditation, which I did not experience before.
~ D.M.
You helped me understand that my wandering mind was not a sign of failure.
~ L.E.
This course was life changing for me.
~ S.G.
Thank you for a great course. You don't know how much it meant to me.
~ T.L.
I am just overflowing with gratitude for this course. Each lesson had something that spoke to a special need of mine.
~ M.R.
So simple and helpful.
~ L.H.
This course has had a profound effect on my life….Iit's gentle, unassuming and warm….these 5 meditations really work.
~ J.B.
Your course has been an amazing re-start for my meditation. I have become much more quieter and peaceful.
~ K.D.
I feel blessed to have come across & taken up your meditation course. It has been an uplifting & enlightening experience.
~ H.L.
Your course was a true relief for me ! It helped me letting go of all these negative and worrying thoughts and return to something much more simple and peaceful.
~ C.Z.
Your course has really helped mein learning how to meditate, more so than any other classes, workshops or courses I've taken.
~ M.G.
Love the course even got my husband to do it…
~ D.R.
I think your program is fantastic for beginners.
~ C.Z.
You helped me understand that my wandering mind was not a sign of failure.
~ L.E.
Thanks so much for this wonderful course, Peter. It was very helpful.
~ T.D.
Your course was exactly what I was looking for.
~ V.D.
I enjoyed the course. It is always good to go back to basics, even after years of meditation.
~ M.L.
Thank you for being such a great and helpful person and a wonderful spiritual coach.
~ A.A.
Thanks!!! It is really very wonderful experience, now meditation has become part of my daily routine!!
~ Y.B.
I found the course very clear and easy to understand. It helped me to be more relaxed and at ease.
~ A.H.
I'm also recommending it to friends. Thanks so much!
~ E.M.
Thank you, I really learned how to meditate…Before I only did guided meditations because i did not know how to do it on my own.
~ M.V.
It's definitely helped me a great deal. It goes pretty deep and is really helpful towards achieving deep mental relaxation.
~ J.D.
I really like your course. More and more I feel I can bring peace of mind into daily life.
~ J.H.
It has significantly enriched my sense of life purpose and has placed me more firmly on the path of true understanding.
~ H.O.
I found the information to be very valuable! Every bit of info that reduces the tendency to "try" to meditate is so helpful.
~ M.B.
This kind of meditations, without content, without guide, without sugar, are blissful. You have been a truly master, friend for me. Thank you with all my heart.
~ M.B.
I'm 55yrs old, and have been TRYING to meditate for some twenty years. Your course has given me a new light as to what meditation exactly means.
~ B.L.
This has changed my whole life. It works!!
~ K.M.
Now I feel like I actually know how to meditate, rather than feeling like I had only read about it and tried it.
~ C.W.
Thank you so much for this course! What I appreciate most of all in this meditation is probably the effortlessness of it and that it helps me to learn to be the witnessing presence.
~ A.Z.
The meditation lessons went far beyond what I had hoped for.
~ S.L.
Thank you for making it so accessible…it is beautifully and simply done, very user friendly with brilliant instruction.
~ E.S.
Your course has brought new depths of stillness and quiet within, and new stability in relating to the world around. ... a most effective and life-changing approach to meditation which I shall certainly continue to use.
~ J.B.
It is a great course. Instructions are clear and intuitive.
~ A.A.
I loved it! I have been meditating for about 5 years and I believe that I am better at this now because there its no longer a need to get somewhere our achieve something in the meditation.
~ C.K.
Peter's exquisite timing and his beautiful voice make the whole experience a real privilege to experience.
~ P.M.
I really liked your meditation course. I could feel the "power of now". I've recommended your course to friends who are on this path.
~ M.S.
I felt your approach was very easy to understand and profound…I have recommended your course to many people!
~ S.G.
I just want to say thank you from the deep of my heart. The clarity of what you say has reached directly to my heart.
~ C.R.
Just wanted to say thank and give you boatloads of gratitude. I'm recommending your course to everyone I know.
~ L.K.
I found this course to be so helpful and I would really like to thank you for taking the time to do it and for making it so accessible.
~ L.W.
Thanks for the meditations. I found them to be really great, and a nice addition to my practice.
~ S.H.
First and foremost thank you. The on-line course as I experienced it is the recipe for peace of mind and a quiet heart.
~ M.K.
Thank you very much for this excellent course that i will continue using.
~ N.U.
Your practice deals with all the problems meditators experience and teaches us just to accept what is in the present moment.
~ T.B.
This is probably the best meditation course I have taken. The other mindfulness courses I have taken seem to keep me in my thoughts whereas this course really helps me step out of them.
~ J.R.
Your course is wonderful - has really helped me with meditation. I have recommended to people and will definitely continue to do so.
~ R.S.
I LOVED the course.
~ D.L.
I have enjoyed the course very much and it has really been of great value to me. The lessons makes it easy to meditate daily.
~ A.B.
Thank you so much; this course was extremely useful and good…
~ M.S.
I so appreciate your willingness to bring all of your experience into a course that is well presented, simple and void of superfluous information. I love it.
~ M.T.
I thoroughly enjoyed your meditation program. I found your meditations extremely useful. Your style and content were very effective for me.
~ D.M.
I have tried many audio meditations but none had produced the results that this one did. I will use it always.
~ M.F.
Thank you Peter. The best meditation course I have experienced. I shall continue daily.
~ J.E.
I am very happy with the content of the meditation course, especially the 3rd lesson on the "natural state of the mind".
~ D.S.
I want to say thank you, for the great course, you don't know how much it meant to me.
~ T.L.
Just the right amount of guidance. Very happy with the course…
~ G.S.
I am just overflowing with gratitude for this course. Each lesson had something that spoke to a special need of mine.
~ M.R.
This course was absolutely amazing! It helped me transmute and transform so much stuck energy, so much energy I was afraid to just be with. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
~ R.H.
The course has been really good. I have thought about meditating for about 30 years and never got into it. Your course was very useful for me…
~ B.N.